
So. Much. Homework.

You GUYS (and girls).  We have so much going on!

Due Thursday/Friday, December 20/21:
Grammar Book pp. 252-257, Exercises 12, 13, 14, 15, and 17 (in your notebooks)
Vocabulary Exercises for Unit 4

Due Thursday/Friday, January 3/4:
Parts of Speech Packet #2
(and Parts of Speech Packet #1 REVISION)

Due Wednesday, January 9:
Parts of Speech Project (8 parts)

In case you lose your paper, here are the details of the Parts of Speech Project:

MY Parts of Speech Project
This project is all about YOU.  It comes in eight parts.  Read each description carefully.

Part I.  Rainbow of Nouns
Draw a rainbow with six colored stripes (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet).  Fill the top stripe with nouns you own that are red.  Fill in the second stripe with nouns you own that are orange.  Continue with the colors yellow, green, blue, and violet.  Each stripe must include at least 8 nouns (for a total of 48 nouns).  All of the nouns must belong to you.

For extra creativity, include illustrations or photographs of your objects in your rainbow.

Part II.  Weak Verbs and Strong Verbs
            These are weak verbs:  make, do, get, be, and have.
They are weak because there are many stronger verbs that can be used in their place.  The stronger verbs are more dynamic and illustrative.
Your task is to find ten strong verbs for each weak one (for a total of 50 verbs).
Write a story about yourself that uses each of the 50 verbs.  There is no length requirement to your story.  The story may be factual or fictional.  Please underline the verbs as they are used in your story.

Part IIIPronoun Poem
Write a poem about your life (this is deliberately vague).  Each line of the poem should start with a different pronoun.  Your poem should be at least 20 lines long.  Please underline the pronouns as they are used in your poem.

Part IVAcrostic Adjectives
Write your first and last names vertically down a piece of paper.  On the line next to each letter of your name, write three adjectives that describe you which begin with that letter.

Part V.  Active Adverbs
Choose someone you admire whom you wish you could meet in real life (this cannot be someone you already know).  Make a list of 15 things this person does or might do (verbs).  Now, for each, list two adverbs that could explain how he/she might do each of those actions (for a total of thirty adverbs). 

Part VI.  Preposition Poem
Write a poem about someone you love (if you can think of no one, you may love Ms. Aboulhosn for the sake of this poem).  Each line of the poem must begin with a preposition.  The poem must be at least 15 lines long.

Part VII.  Mnemonic Conjuctions
The seven conjunctions of the English language are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.  Most people remember them with the word FANBOYS.  Create two mnemonic devices as alternate ways to remember the conjunctions. 

For example, to remember the planets of the solar system, one remembers the mnemonic My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos.*

Part VIII.  Interjections!
Write a short dialogue where two people who are important in your life are having a conversation about you.  Each person in the conversation should use at least 5 interjections in the conversation (for a total of 10 interjections).  Remember to punctuate the dialogue correctly.    

·         Create a title page for your project which includes the title “My Parts Of Speech” and your full name.
·         Each project should be completed on a separate piece of paper so that you have at least 9 pages (counting the title page) when you are finished.
·         Title each page with the part of speech written in large, clear letters.
·         This assignment does not need to be typed, though you may choose to type parts of it.
·         The entire final assignment is due Wednesday, January 9, 2013 in class.
·         10 points will be deducted for each day the assignment is late.

The total assignment is worth 80 points.  Your grade will be based on several factors:
·         Creativity
·         Originality
·         Neatness
·         Spelling, grammar, and mechanics
·         Accuracy in understanding the parts of speech
·         Ability to follow directions
If any part of this assignment is plagiarized, the entire project will receive a zero. 

*Back in my day, she served nine pizzas.  Can you figure out why?


Inquiry Questions

Today in class we wrote some inquiry questions!  You were asked to write 10 questions about yourself and 10 questions about the world.

Here are some examples we looked at in class:

For homework, please type your questions into a Google Document entitled "20 Questions" and share it with me.  Please number the questions.  Feel free to add more as you think of them!

- Vocabulary Unit #3 Quiz on Thursday/Friday
- Unit Test on subjects/predicates next Wednesday, December 12!


This Week

Hope this beautiful October weather is not getting you down!

This week's homework:

Due Tuesday, 10.23 @ 11.59pm:
Email a paragraph to Ms. Aboulhosn explaining which rule you believe is most important for group learning.  CC the members of your group to the email.

Due Wednesday, 10.24:
As a team, share your answers about the Characteristics of a Memoir as they relate to Jill's Indelible Moment story.  The Google Doc is already shared with your team.

Due Thursday/Friday, 10.25/26, in class:
Grammar Book pp. 233-235
Exercises 28-33
In your notebooks!

Due Monday/Tuesday, 10.29/30:
Complete Vocabulary exercises for Unit 2, pp. 31-34
Write answers in the book

Get your work done early and enjoy this beautiful weather!


This week's homework!

Reminder:  The PSAT is tomorrow!  Yay!

Due Thursday/Friday:
Grammar Book
pp. 228-232
Exercises 23-27

Due by Saturday, 10/20/12 @ 11.59pm:
Comments for Jill Yablon's Indelible Moment
(shared with you in Google Docs)

The Task for Commenting:

1. Highlight words in the document whose meanings you do not know.  Look up 
the definitions on www.dictionary.com.  Write the definition in a comment 
connected to that highlighted word.  Your goal should be to locate and define 8 words throughout the text.
2.  Choose one part of the text that creates a strong setting for the story, and 
leave a comment about it.
3.  Choose one part of the text that shows good use of detail, and leave a comment about it.
4.  Choose one part of the text that reveals something about the narrator (Jill).  Explain in your own words what it reveals, and how.
5.  Ask one question about any part of the story.
6.  Give one compliment to the writer about something she did well.

You asked about Mick Jagger ...

... so here he is:

Rock out.


This week!

Most important, you have a TEST this week on nouns and pronouns!  It will cover all of the following:

- identifying personal pronouns in a sentence
- the difference between personal and possessive pronouns
- identifying nouns in a sentence (look over your last test!)
- classifying common nouns and proper nouns
- identifying the antecedent of a pronoun in a sentence
- the difference between intensive pronouns and reflexive pronouns
- identifying interrogative pronouns
- identifying relative pronouns and demonstrative pronouns
- understanding indefinite pronouns

Office hours will be on WEDNESDAY @ 4pm!

Also due on Thursday/Friday this week are your Unit #2 vocabulary flashcards.  Be sure to include all parts on the front and the back!


This week's homework!

Due Wednesday, 10.3.12:
Identifying Pronouns Worksheet #3
(2 points)

Due Thursday/Friday, 10.4/5.12:
Grammar book p. 227 - Complete Exercises 16, 17, 18, and 19
(6 points)

Study your flashcards and your orange books!
(20 points)

Due Tuesday/Wednesday, 10.9/10.12:
Identifying Pronouns Worksheet #4
(4 points)


Weekend Homework

I hope you guys have a good weekend!  Don't forget to complete the following:

Due by Sunday, September 30, at 11.59pm
GMail Scavenger Hunt:  

Due Monday/Tuesday, October 1/2, IN CLASS:
Grammar Book pp. 220-227
Complete Exercises 13, 14, and 15 
in your notebooks


Steamboat Willie

As you know, some of the sentences in our grammar exercises from class today were about Walt Disney.

He is kind of my personal hero.

And so many of you didn't really know who he was!  What!?!!!!!

And so, for you ...

Enjoy this video of one of the first animated short films to ever be produced with sound!  "Steamboat Willie" was released in 1928 and became very popular.

Have a great day!


The end of summer!

I hope everyone enjoys the first weekend of Autumn!

Here is your homework, due on MONDAY (which is a Wednesday schedule):

In the purple grammar book, read pp. 220-223 
and complete Exercises 10, 11, and 12
in your notebooks.

Enjoy this lovely old tune to close out the summer!



I love love LOVE some of these vocabulary flashcards you guys made!  

Nice work on Unit 1!


Nouns Test this week!

As you are probably aware, we have a test THIS WEEK all about NOUNS!

For this test, you must be able to:
- identify all nouns in a passage
- distinguish between common and proper nouns
- distinguish between concrete and abstract nouns
- identify nouns as common, proper, concrete, abstract, compound, and/or collective

To study, you can:

- Review the reading and exercises (which we went over in class) from the purple Grammar Book (pp. 214-219)
- Review the classwork and homework worksheets we went over in class
- Look over your notes
- COME TO OFFICE HOURS!  We will have a review session there.

You can also enjoy this amazing blast from the past:

Good luck on your test!



I am so impressed with this student's vocabulary notes! 

Someone's learning ...


I want to know!

Please take our Technology survey today!  It will help me know a little bit more about you and your digital world.


This week's homework!

Hello, kiddos!

Here is your homework for this week:

Due Wednesday, 9.12.12:
- Complete Grammar Exercise #6 in the purple book.
(This can be done in your notebook.)
- Complete the Nouns Review worksheet we began in class.

Due Thursday/Friday, 9.12/13.12:
- Complete all exercises in the Vocabulary book for Unit 1 (pp. 24-27)

Due Wednesday, 9.19.12:
Unit #1 Flashcards


This week's homework

I hope your first week of classes is off to a good start!

Here is your homework for this week:

Due Thursday/Friday, September 6/7, 2012:
In the purple grammar book, read Section 16.1 on pages 214-219 about nouns.  
Complete Exercises 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Write your responses in complete sentences in your notebook.

Due Monday/Tuesday, September 10/11, 2012:
1.)  Letter to Ms. Aboulhosn (Your first writing assignment! Give it your best!)
See task sheet for assignment details and requirements.

2.)  Return signed syllabus + technology agreement.  Please make sure you deliver the parent letter!

Also, have you seen this?  It cracked me up.



Welcome back, students!  I hope everyone had an excellent summer and is ready to begin a new year!