
Weekend Homework

I hope you guys have a good weekend!  Don't forget to complete the following:

Due by Sunday, September 30, at 11.59pm
GMail Scavenger Hunt:  

Due Monday/Tuesday, October 1/2, IN CLASS:
Grammar Book pp. 220-227
Complete Exercises 13, 14, and 15 
in your notebooks


Steamboat Willie

As you know, some of the sentences in our grammar exercises from class today were about Walt Disney.

He is kind of my personal hero.

And so many of you didn't really know who he was!  What!?!!!!!

And so, for you ...

Enjoy this video of one of the first animated short films to ever be produced with sound!  "Steamboat Willie" was released in 1928 and became very popular.

Have a great day!


The end of summer!

I hope everyone enjoys the first weekend of Autumn!

Here is your homework, due on MONDAY (which is a Wednesday schedule):

In the purple grammar book, read pp. 220-223 
and complete Exercises 10, 11, and 12
in your notebooks.

Enjoy this lovely old tune to close out the summer!



I love love LOVE some of these vocabulary flashcards you guys made!  

Nice work on Unit 1!


Nouns Test this week!

As you are probably aware, we have a test THIS WEEK all about NOUNS!

For this test, you must be able to:
- identify all nouns in a passage
- distinguish between common and proper nouns
- distinguish between concrete and abstract nouns
- identify nouns as common, proper, concrete, abstract, compound, and/or collective

To study, you can:

- Review the reading and exercises (which we went over in class) from the purple Grammar Book (pp. 214-219)
- Review the classwork and homework worksheets we went over in class
- Look over your notes
- COME TO OFFICE HOURS!  We will have a review session there.

You can also enjoy this amazing blast from the past:

Good luck on your test!



I am so impressed with this student's vocabulary notes! 

Someone's learning ...


I want to know!

Please take our Technology survey today!  It will help me know a little bit more about you and your digital world.


This week's homework!

Hello, kiddos!

Here is your homework for this week:

Due Wednesday, 9.12.12:
- Complete Grammar Exercise #6 in the purple book.
(This can be done in your notebook.)
- Complete the Nouns Review worksheet we began in class.

Due Thursday/Friday, 9.12/13.12:
- Complete all exercises in the Vocabulary book for Unit 1 (pp. 24-27)

Due Wednesday, 9.19.12:
Unit #1 Flashcards


This week's homework

I hope your first week of classes is off to a good start!

Here is your homework for this week:

Due Thursday/Friday, September 6/7, 2012:
In the purple grammar book, read Section 16.1 on pages 214-219 about nouns.  
Complete Exercises 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Write your responses in complete sentences in your notebook.

Due Monday/Tuesday, September 10/11, 2012:
1.)  Letter to Ms. Aboulhosn (Your first writing assignment! Give it your best!)
See task sheet for assignment details and requirements.

2.)  Return signed syllabus + technology agreement.  Please make sure you deliver the parent letter!

Also, have you seen this?  It cracked me up.